Installation guide
A Siemens Parasolid® kernel ensures that all designs you concept in 3D Readily translate to engineering, without losing design integrity.
Sign upSeamlessly import-export models leveraging comprehensive file support. Select from STEP, IGES, X_T, STL, NX, and more to confidently deliver designs from any device, right alongside engineering.
Build strong collaborations across design and engineering communicating in the same 3D language, backed by a Siemens Parasolid® kernel. You maintain the integrity of your CAD workflow and design, confidently delivering manufacturing-ready models with built-in precision.
Directly edit geometry or design history on the fly without worrying about breaking your model, speeding up communication. Shapr3D’s clean, adaptive UI provides clear instructions on-screen, making navigation easier and letting you focus completely on your design.
Shapr3D’s adaptive parametric modeling running on a clean UI provides flexibility to design and make quick decisions in context. Just select a feature to filter design history for relevant steps or directly edit geometry in real-time with on-canvas controls.
You get a CAD workflow resting on a solid foundation: complete every 3D model with pinpoint accuracy working with a Siemens Parasolid® kernel under the hood.
Comprehensive file support integrates Shapr3D into your workflow, connecting you with any CAD system. Choose from STEP, IGES, X_T, STL, and more to import-export seamlessly from any device, working wherever you need.
Shapr3D’s adaptive UI runs natively on all devices, saving designs locally and backing up to the Shapr3D Cloud for you to access designs instantly from anywhere. Work across devices or go offline. No internet connection required.
Yes. Built upon Parasolid, all Shapr3D models are true solid models, and can be imported and exported in XT, STEP, STL, DWG, DXF, 3MF (import only) and OBJ (import only).
Yes, Shapr3D is compatible with SOLIDWORKS through SLDPRT and SLDASM for importing and exporting XT, Parasolid’s own file format that maintains all geometrical details.
Yes, Shapr3D is compatible with NX through a .PRT importer and a STEP / XT exporter.
Yes, Shapr3D can import STEP files on iPad, Windows, and macOS.
Yes, Shapr3D can import XT files on iPad, Windows, and macOS.