teams align fast communicating with real-time concepting.

Teams in the FMCG sector are adding Shapr3D to CAD workflows to achieve more agility, improving cross-team collaboration. The result? Reduced product finalization time by 50%.

“I was able to open the model in under a minute in Shapr3D and then within 15 minutes, I had five or six copies of different orientations of the product inside of potential packaging shapes. That’s when I was really able to understand how powerful and intuitive the Shapr3D modeling environment was.”

– William Faulker, Veritiv
Packaging design

Finally. You can concept in CAD.

Leverage an adaptive user interface with in-canvas controls for an unbeatably intuitive modeling experience that reduces your team’s process time by up to 95%.

  • Setup and import models in seconds onto existing hardware, onboarding entire teams in days.
  • Easily manipulate parts in 3D, creating multiple diverse iterations and orientations in a matter of minutes.
  • Address feedback on the shopfloor supported by instant sync within a cross-device ecosystem.
  • Finalize product concepts 50% faster communicating precisely with AR models, reflecting edits instantly.
Consumer goods industrial design

Meet mechanical requirements without sacrificing design vision.

Industrial design teams working in consumer goods shave overall modeling time by 30% implementing Shapr3D.

  • Develop quick organic forms, effortlessly creating contextual 3D models on easy-to-use CAD software.
  • Maintain parametric control over loose concepts, ensuring all ideas are feasible for manufacturing.
  • Conserve team resources reusing components in a centralized CAD library, importing any major CAD file.
  • Present beautiful, AR models to stakeholders in two clicks. Then edit in real-time to generate impactful decisions on the spot.

Create your first model on the Shapr3D ecosystem today.